
Tamás Bezeczky

2018 Jun 27


Vienna, AT






Museum Documentation Systems




Data bases

Ephesus data base



Roman amphorae from the Amber Route in Western Pannonia

Bezeczky, T. (ed), Contributors: Iváncsics, J. – Józsa, S. – Szakmány, Gy. – Weiszburg, T. – Papp, G. and Kerékfy, P. – Rónyai, L., BAR, International Series, No. 386. Oxford

Amphorenfunde vom Magdalensberg und aus Pannonien, Ein Vergleich

Bezeczky, T. (ed), Contributors: Józsa, S. – Sauer, R. – Szakmány, Gy. – Weiszburg, T., Archäologische Forschungen zu den Grabungen auf dem Magdalensberg 12, Klagenfurt

The Laecanius amphora stamps and the villas of Brijuni

Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Philosophische-Historische Klasse Denkschriften, 261, Wien

The Amphorae of Roman Ephesus

Contributors: Scherrer, P. and Sauer, R., Forschungen in Ephesos XV/1, Wien

Amphora research in Castrum villa on Brijuni Island

Bezeczky, T. (ed.) contributors: P. Berni Millet, M. Bonifay, C. Capelli, H. González Cesteros, S. Józsa, M. La Torre, A. Schobert, Gy. Szakmány



Roman amphorae from Zalalövô

Mitteilungen des Archäologischen Instituts der Ungarischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 12/13 (1982/83) 153-166

P.Iturius amphorája Vetus Salinában (P. Iturius Sabinus' amphora from Vetus Salina)

FoliaArch 36 (1985) 69-74

Le anfore, in: D.Gabler - F.Redő: Gli Scavi nalla villa Romana a S. Potito (Ovindoli)

ActaArchHung 38 (1986) 79-86

A Borostyánkő út amphoraleletei, (Die Amphorenfunde der Bersteinstraße)

ArchÉrt 114-115 (1987-1988) 156-182.

Roman Amphorae along the Amber Route
1986, 1989

in: Amphores Romaines et Histoire Economicque, Colloque International (Siena 22-24 Mai 1986) Collection de L'École Française de Rome, 114 (1989) 645-647.

Amphorae findings from Savaria

Savaria 15 (1981) 167-198

Amphorák az adonyi (Vetus Salina) kora római táborból [Amphorae from the auxiliary fort of Adony (Vetus Salina)]

ArchÉrt 117 (1990) 96-102

Amphorák (Amphoren), in Kocsis L. - Madarassy O. - Vörös I. - Bezeczky T. - Gabler D.: A Tribunus laticlaviusok háza az aquincumi 2-3. sz-i legio táborban (Das Haus der Tribuni Laticlavii aus dem Legionslager vom 2-3. Jh. in Aquincum) Budapest Régiségei

28 (1991) 133-134, 155-156, plts. 24-32

Stamps and Inscriptions: The Case of the Pannonian Amphorae

Instrumenta Inscripta Latina Kolloquium (11-14. September 1991, Pécs), SpNov 7 (1991) 177-190

Amphorenstempel und Inschriften, in Instrumenta Inscripta Latina

Ausstellungskatalog, Pécs (1991) 27-32

Knidische Amphoren in den nördlichen Provinzen des römischen Reiches

Carinthia 183 (1993) 237-244

Gari Flos Hispanici, Ptujski Arheoloski Zbornik

ob 100-letnici muzeja in Muzejskega drustva, 1993, 241-250

Aegean amphorae in Pannonia

FoliaArch 43 (1994) 115-125

Amphorae from the Forum of Emona

ArhVes (1994) 81-93

Roman Amphora Trade in Pannonia in: La Pannonia e l'Imperio Romano

Atti del convegno internazionale, Annuario dell'Accademia d'Ungheria, Roma 1995, 155-175

Archaeometric investigation of Roman amphoras from Pannonia

Industrial Archaeology and Archaeometry Newsletter / English Supplement 1985 (4) 2.

Amphorae and Amphorae Stamps from the Laecanius workshop

Journal of Roman Archaeology, 8 (1995) 41-64

Amphorae from Gorsium

Specimina Nova 10 (1995) 39-56

Amphora Inscriptions - Legionary Supply? Britannia

27 (1996) 329-336

Amphorae from the auxiliary fort of Carnuntum

in: Auxiliarkastell von Carnuntum 1, Österreichisches Archäologisches Institut, Sonderschriften Band 29, 1997, Wien, 147-178

Amphorae from the south area of the auxiliary fort at Carnuntum

Preliminary report, in: M. Kandler (Hrsg.), Das Auxiliarkastell Carnuntum 2, Forschungen seit 1989, Österreichisches Archäologisches Institut, Sonderschriften Band 30, 1997, Wien. 173-181.

Amphora types of Magdalensberg

ArhVes 49, 1998, 225-242

The amphorae of Val San Pietro (Pula), in: Bonifiche e drenaggi con anfore in epoca romana: aspetti tecnici e topografici
1995, 1998

Atti del seminario di studi Padova 19-20 ottobre 1995, (ed. Stefania Pesavento Mattioli), Materiali d'archeologia 3, Modena, 1998, 287-289.

Wine export to Noricum and Pannonia

in: El Vi a L'Antiguitat. Economia, producció i commerc al Mediterrani Occidental, 364-369, Colloqui imternacional d'Arqueologia Romana, Badalona 1998, 364-369.

New amphora finds from Brigetio

in: Pannonia and Beyond, Studies in Honour of László Barkóczi, Antaeus, 24, 1999, 65-72.

Early Roman amphora stamps from Ephesos

in: F. Krinzinger (Hrsg.), Studien zur hellenistischen Keramik in Ephesos, Ergänzungshefte zu den Jahresheften des ÖAI, Wien 2001, 11-19

The chronology of the end of the Laecanius workshop

in: Carinthia Romana und die Römische Welt, Festschrift für Gernot Piccottini zum 60. Geburtstag, Klagenfurt, 2001, 421-424.

Brindisian olive-oil and wine in Ephesus

in: Vivre, produire et échanger: reflets méditerranéens, Mélanges offerts à Bernard Liou, Montagnac, 2002, 355-358.

Baetican Amphorae from the North-Eastern Provinces of the Roman Empire1998

in: Congreso Internacional Ex Baetica Amphorae, Écija y Sevilla, 17 al 20 de Diciembre de 1998, Ecija 2000, 1359-1369.

Early Roman Food Import in Ephesus: Amphorae from the Tetragonos Agora
2002, 2004

in: Transport Amphorae and Trade in the Eastern Mediterranean, Acts of the International Colloquium at the Danish Institute at Athens, September 26-29, 2002, J. Eiring and J. Lund (eds.), Athens, 2004, 85-97.

Roman Amphorae from Vindobona

in: F. Krinzinger (Hrsg.), Vindobona. AForsch 12, Denkphil Wien 328, 2005, 35-108

Stamps, Inscriptions and Amphorae from Northern Italy

in: Epigrafia Anforica, J. Remesal Rodríguez (ed), II. Col-Lecció: Instrumenta (Universitat de Barcelona) 17, 2004, Barcelona, 289-305

Late Roman Amphorae from the Ephesian Agora

in: F. Krinzinger (Hrsg.), Spätantike und mittelalterliche Keramik aus Ephesus, AForsch 13, 2005, 203-223

Wine trade from Campania to Ephesus

in: B. Brandt–V. Gassner–S. Ladstätter (Hrsg.), Synergia. Festschrift für Friedrich Krinzinger, Wien, 2005, 51-53.

Consumer behaviour in Ephesus in the first century BC
2004, 2006

in: Old pottery in a new century, Innovating perspectives on Roman pottery studies. D. Malfitana, J. Poblome and J. Lund (eds.) Atti del Convegno Internazionale di Studi Catania , 22-24 Aprile 2004. Catania 2006, 287-308.

Roman Amphorae from the Basilica and the Prytaneion

in: Die Basilika am Staatsmarkt in Ephesus, 2. Teil: Funde klassischer bis römischer Zeit, V. Mitsopoulos-Leon–C. Lang-Auinger (Hrsg.) FiE IX, 2.3, 2007, 61-63

Amphorae from the West. Evidence of the long distance trade connection with Ephesus
2005, 2008

in: M. Hanzmann and R. Wedenig (Hrsg.) Instrumentum Inscripta Latina II, Akten des 2. Internationalen Kolloquiums, Klagenfurt, 5. - 8. Mai 2005. Klagenfurt, 2008, 25 – 34

Cypriot Amphorae in Ephesus, in: The Transport Amphorae and Trade of Cyprus
2007, 2013

A Seminar at the Danish Institute at Athens, 23rd -24th of April 2007, in M.L. Lawall and J. Lund (eds.) The Transport Amphorae and Trade of Cyprus, Gösta Enbom Monographs, Vol. 3, Aarhus, 2013, 165-167

Adriatic olive oil and olives in Ephesus, in: Olio e pesce in epoca romana: Produzione e commercio nelle regioni dell’Alto Adriatico
2007, 2009

Atti del Convegno (Padova, 16 febbraio 2007), a cura di S. Pesavento Mattioli e M-B. Carre, 2009, Roma, 339-346

Italian wine in the Eastern Mediterranean. Amphorae from Etruria, Latium, and Campania from the fourth century B. C. to the first century A.D. The case of the Ephesian amphorae
2008, 2010

XVII International Congress of Classical Archaeology Rome, FAO Building, 22nd September – 26th September 2008, in: Bolletino di Archeologia on line I 2010/Volume specialle B / B8 /6 www.archeologia.beniculturali.it 82-92.

Trade connections between Ephesus and Adriatic region
2008, 2010

International Archaeological symposium, Routes and Trade from Prehistory to the Early Middle Ages, in Pula, 27th - 29th November 2008, in: Histria Antiqua, 19, 2010, 351-358.

Roman Amphorae in Ephesus, Forum Archaeologiae 62/III/2012


Contenitori monoansati delle Terme del Nuotatore di Ostia

in; C. Panella and G. Rizzo (eds.) Ostia VI, Le Terme del Nuotatore, Roma, 2014, 387-390

Ephesus, Pannonia and the Mediterranean. Production and Trade in the Roman Period

In Das Eigene und das Fremde, A. Pülz and E. Trinkl (eds.) Akten der 4. Tagung des Zentrums Archäologie und Altertumswissenschaften an der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften 26 – 27. 03. 2012, Denkschriften 482, Wien, 215, 83-90

Amphorák, in Sosztarits O. – Balázs P. – Csapláros A. eds. Iseum Savariense

A savariai ISIS szentély, Sistrvm Serie A No. I, Szombathely, 2013, 211-214

The Laecanius Amphorae, in Roman Pottery and Glass Manufactures; Production and trade in the Adriatic region
2011, 2014

Experimental archaeology, Proceedings of the 2nd International Archaeological Colloquium, 28 – 29 October 2011, Crikvenica (Croatia), Crikvenica 2014, 241-257

Olive oil production in Istria in the Roman period

In R. Járrega y P. Berni (eds.) Amphorae ex Hispania: paisajes de producción y consumo, Monografías Ex Officina Hispana iii, Tarragona, 2016, 498-515.

Az isztriai olívaolaj gyártás és a Laecanius amphorák (Olive oil production in Istria and the amphorae of Laecanii)

Archeometriai Műhely 2016/XIII./2. 69 – 94. http://www.ace.hu/am/2016_2/AM-2016-2/

Distribution of the Ephesus amphora production in the Mediterranean, In Per Terram, Per Mare, Production and Transport of Roman Amphorae in the eastern Mediterranean

International conference, 12 – 15 April 2013, (forthcoming)

Ephesus wines

In M. Bonifay – D. Bernal eds. Roman Amphorae Contents. Reflecting on Maritime Trade in foodstuffs in Antiquity (forthcoming)

Amphora data bases: The Case of the Rhodian and Istrian Amphorae, in Protection and Enhancement of Cultural Heritage. The Case of Transport Amphorae

Proceeding of the Scientific Conference, Rhodes, 30 September 2017, Rhodos 2017, 185-214.

Bezeczky, T. – Pavletic, M. New objects from the figlina of C. Laecanius Bassus

ÖJh 65 (1996) 143-163.

Bezeczky, T. with S. Ladstätter, Ch. Rogl, A. Giuliani, B. Czurda, C. Lang-Auinger, Ein hellenistischer Brunnen in SR 9c

in: C. Lang-Auinger (Hrsg.), Das Hanghaus 1 in Ephesos. Funde und Ausstattung, FiE VIII 4, 2003, 38, T. 23.

Mange, M.A. – Bezeczky, T. Petrography and Provenance of Laecanius Amphorae from Istria

Northern Adriatic Region, Croatia, Geoarchaeology: An International Journal (2006) 21, No. 5, 429-460.

Mange, M.A. – Bezeczky, T. The provenance of paste and temper in Roman amphorae from the Istrian Peninsula, Croatia

In: Developments in Sedimentology, Mange, M.A and Wright, D.T. (eds.) Vol. 58, 2007, 1007-1033.

Bezeczky, T. – Mange, M.A. New petrographic data on the late phase of the Laecanius workshop in Fažana (Istria, Croatia)

in: Vessels: Inside and Outside, 9th European Meeting on Ancient Ceramics (EMAC ´07) 24 - 27 October 2007, Budapest, 2009.

Bezeczky, T. – Berni Millet, P. – Gonzalez Cesteros, H. New research on the Castrum villa, on the Island of Brijuni (Croatia)

In S. Demesticha (ed) Per Terram, Per Mare, Seaborne Trade and the Distribution of Roman Amphorae in the Mediterranean. Uppsala 2015, 189-198.

Szakmány, Gy. – Józsa, S. – Bezeczky, T. New data on provenance and technology of Fažana Amphora Workshop a case study of Laecanii and Imperial amphorae. in Roman Pottery and Glass Manufactures; Production and trade in the Adriatic region

Proceedings of the 3rd International Archaeological Colloquium, 28 – 29 October 2014, Crikvenica (Croatia), (forthcoming)

Bezeczky, T. with S. Keay, D. Williams at al., Roman Amphorae: a digital resource


Bezeczky, T. – with F. Tassaux at al. Adriaticum Mare, Timbres sur amphores Dr 6B



Museum Documentation Systems

Bezeczky, T. Múzeumi nyilvántartás II, (Válogatás a számítógépes nyilvántartás külföldi irodalmából/ Selection of the published computer based documentation systems)

FIGYELÖ, 11 MRMK (Institute for Conservation and Methodology of Museums), Budapest

Éri, I. – Bezeczky, T. The History of Hungarian Museum Documentation, its present application and future aspects

Museum Documentation Systems, ed. R.Light, A.Roberts, J.Stewart, Cambridge, (1986) 277-283.

Bezeczky, T. – Rezi-Kató, G. – Harsányi, Z. Images and DataEase

Collector's item, Dialogue, 3(1991) 15-16.

Számítógépes múzeumi nyilvántartás (Computer Aided Museological Inventory)

Múzeumi Közlemények, (1980) 24-29.

Régészet és Számítógép (Archaeology and computers)

Tudományos és Müszaki Tájékoztatás 33/8 (1986) 403-409.

Museum Collection Documentation in Hungary, International Council of Museums /ICOM/ International Committee for Documentation /CIDOC/

Database Survey Working Group, (Koppenhaga 1991) 1-13.

Amphora documentation by computer, in: The Roman Town in a Modern City
1994, 1998

Proceedings of the international Colloquium held on occasion of the 100th Anniversary of the Aquincum Museum, 1994 Budapest, Aquincum Nostrum II, 1998, 152-157.

Dokumentation and description method of Roman amphorae, typological analyses with the application of mathematical statistics

The Future of Our Past `93-`95, International Conference of Informatics, Budapest, 1996, 60-70.



Produccion y comercio del aceite en la antigüedad
1983, 1986

Segundo Congreso Internacional (Sevilla, 24-28 Febrero 1982). Ed. J.M. Blázquez Martinez - J. Remesal Rodriguez, Madrid 1983, In: Archaeológiai Értesítő, 1986, 142-143.

The Inscribed Economy. Production and distribution in the Roman empire in the light of instrumentum domesticum

Ed. W.V. Harris, JRA, Supplement 6. Ann Arbour, 1993, In: Archaeológiai Értesítő 121-122, 1997, 277-278.

Fanette Laubenheimer, Élise Marlière, Échanges et vie économique dans le Nord-Ouest des Gaules: Le témoignage des amphores du II siècle après J.-C.
2010, 2011

Franche-Comté 2010. In Tyche, 26, 2011, 356-358.

Peacock, D. P. S. The Stone of Life. Querns, mills and flour production in Europe up to c. AD 500.
2013, 2014

Southampton Monographs in Archaeology New Series 1. Southampton 2013. In Archaeológiai Értesítő 139, 2014, 323–324.


Data bases

Ephesus Data base


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